
The objective of this project is to investigate the compound Pykrete. Pykrete is a combination of wood pulp with frozen water to create a concrete like substance hence the name “Pykrete.” Within the 10-week endeavor, we would like to further our knowledge of material science by exploring the strengths and weakness’s of different substances. And finally by researching, testing and analyzing, help those who seek it, a better understanding why compounds can provide a superior material to singular substances.

More Info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pykrete

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Update: Week 4

While week 4 was not a very research heavy week, it was still very essential to our project. During week 4 we were able to better establish our blog. We were able to add a great deal of posts as well as check that we were up to date on our posts. First off we started to delegate different research topics that we wanted and were required to have on our blog. Alex was tasked with writing about the strengths and weaknesses of ice, while Derek had to make a comparison of pykrete versus ice. I was tasked to write about the background of pykrete, as well as posting all of the FAQs from the project. In addition, we also constructed a schedule for weekly update posts, so that each person has an opportunity to write an update about our research, findings, and other activities of the project. Lastly we also figured out a general idea of what materials we need to perform our experiment. Which are containers to freeze the pykrete in, saw dust, paper towels (which can be used as a substitute for wood pulp), measuring cup, stirrer, large plastic bin that can be used to catch debris during testing and demonstration.

Goals to work towards:
  • Determine the exact materials we plan to use for our project
  • Buy necessary materials for the project
  • Find more methods to test the pykrete 

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